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Infant Care
Ages 6 Weeks to 12 months
A warm environment and positive interactions foster an infant’s sense of trust and self-esteem. Daily routines and sensory experiences are used to promote listening and language skills, and to help infants learn about the world around them. Play activities and interactions focus on the development of large muscles for sitting, crawling, standing, walking, as well as small muscles for grasping, reaching, holding, and picking up objects.

Toddler Classrooms
for students aged 1 to 2 years
Space and materials are provided to support the toddler’s need to physically explore, to discover, and to be independent. Toddlers are encouraged to participate in daily routines to develop self-help skills and to feel good about themselves. Activities provide repeated opportunities with sensory experiences that help develop large and small muscles, and that promote thinking and communication skills. Stories, pictures, and books are introduced to help toddlers experience reading as a pleasure activity. Staff members reinforce positive behaviors, set limits, and are consistently available to support the toddler’s conflicting need for independence and comfort.

Preschool Classrooms
for students aged 3 to 4 years
Materials and space are organized to support young preschoolers’ initiative to practice their new skills; test things out and express their ideas and feelings. This space is organized to encourage preschoolers to select activities, engage in hands-on exploration and pretend play, and develop the ability to play cooperatively. Small muscles and hand eye coordination continue to be strengthened through art activities, sand and water play, work with manipulative toys, and blocks. The daily schedule includes many activities for large muscle development. Stories and books are used to increase familiarity with the meaning of letters and words (emerging literacy) and to foster the idea of reading as a pleasurable activity.

Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) Classroom
for students aged 4 to 5 years
A daily schedule and organization provide increased opportunities for independent and small group play. Interest centers support older preschoolers’ developing ability to organize their own play, assign roles and tasks, and work towards a common goal. Staff interaction focuses on assisting preschoolers to organize information that they gather, develop and understand number concepts, practice reasoning/problem solving, and expand communication skills. Independent and group activities with books and stories promote reading readiness. Teachers create a print rich environment with signs, labels and charts and provide daily opportunities to draw, paint and engage in writing activities, Children are increasingly involved in helping to set limits for positive and caring behaviors.

School-Age Groups
for students who attend a public or private elementary school program
Whatever they are studying, children at this age learn best through concrete experiences. They need to see connections, and seek coherence and relevance across all learning and developmental domains. When teachers encourage children to build connections across disciplines, they simultaneously foster intellectual growth, social connection, and a joy in learning, which, in turn, makes progress deeper and more extensive.

Summer of Fun
Our full-time learning and exploration program for the summer period of each year.
Students from ages 6 weeks to 12 years are welcome to join us for our Summer of Fun programming each year.

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